Saturday, November 7, 2009

Didn't get any pictures but I finished stripping the whole left side including both sides of the door. I also removed the window and did a little maintenance on it. It had gotten rust in the edge guides and swelled up so as to make it very difficult to remove from the door. Once out, I scraped as much rust out of the grooves as I could and carefully squeezed the sides back together so it would fit through the opening in the door. I then painted all the metal part with POR-15. When dry, I wrapped the glass in foam rubber and put it in the attic until re-assembly. I let the car down off of the lift, pushed it outside, turned it around, pushed it back inside and lifted it up. It's now ready to strip the passenger side and see what horrors await me there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave,

    ALso a recovering Corvair nut at 65. I morphed to 356 Porsches years ago and have a number under my belt.

    I too fell to the spell of Bianchina madness and have been at it about a month before discovering your site. You are quite a guy!

    Great minds and all . . .my tank is at the renu guy in Stockton, CA. Chrome is at the plater, body has been completely cleaned and primed and I will get it back early next week.

    Mine arrived with a Berlina engine lid with . . .NO HINGES. I have been looking for someone who has a transformable so I could copy them to no avail. DO YOU have a picture or specs of your recreation of them?

    Looking at your pix I also discovered that I am missing all the engine bay tin!

    I cannot thank you enough as I have read every word of ytour postings.

    Please contact me at

    Regards, Tom
