Thursday, August 31, 2017

And so it begins---Yet again! Gee I love sanding. I believe when I am done with the painting, I am going to sell my turbine HVLP system. I am NOT going to paint another car. I will also have my shrinker-stretcher tool for sale. My fabricating days are done also.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hello out there-- anyone? Is anybody reading this still? Is anyone interested in my rottiserie that has been used on this project up until now? It is set up for any derivative of Fiat 500 but could be easily be fitted with adapters for any other micro car. It can be dis assembled even further for transport.

It rained all day yesterday so I wasn't able to do much with the car but today I was able to clear coat the undersides of the hood, engine cover and inside the trunk. Working up the ambition to start wet sanding the car with 600 grit wet or dry paper to get it ready for another coat of clear.

Well the visit to the paint store was interesting. I was told the best way to eliminate the runs is to sand it all down and respray it. Oh goody! More sanding to do. I decided that as long as I was there I would get the buffing compounds I would need after the final sanding.So-o-o  $400.00 later, I was on my way home with clear coat, hardener and two grades of buffing compound. I also went online and found a supplier for the fresh air hoods. My old one was getting hard to see through, seems they should last longer than 20 years GGGG. I am also considering using some nib files on the runs, need to do more research on them.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

After lunch I removed all the masking and put the first coat of clear on the car. I ran out of paint before I was quite finished so tomorrow brings yet another trip to the paint store. I also was able to perfectly install a couple of runs in the clear so I will have to seek help at the paint store. I am sure I will have to scuff the finish before adding another coat of clear. RATS!

This morning I was able to shoot the orange on the car. I had already put the creme brûlée color on the top and rockers.

Yesterday I started masking the car for paint color separation as you can see below.

Friday, August 25, 2017

I got all the plastic film hung on the frame and started on the masking of the car.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

When I finished I moved the car back into the bay. Looks like I will have ample room to spray without dragging hoses over the car(and really pissing me off) GGGGG

While preparing to set up the spray booth frame, I looked up and got all kind of crazy ideas. They passed and I went back to work.

I started assembling the frame once I cleared the bay out. The doors to the car are under dust blankets on their roll around stand in the back.

I continued adding on to the frame unit lit was all assembled.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Some touch up sanding, second wash was followed by a blow dry all accomplished during the peak eclipse period today.

Also got a start on setting up the spray area in the shop.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Rainy days and the need to replace the entry door to the shop set me back a few days but "I'm Baack"! This is the first wash and smoothness test. Only found two or three small places that need a little touch up sanding.
I was also able to sand the steering wheel that I have mounted in a painting fixture that turns while spraying.

Sanding and second wash tomorrow if there is enough sunlight with the eclipse and all.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Here's something new, sanding!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Primer on, primer off.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Rain delay

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Friday, August 4, 2017

And goes on.....

Thursday, August 3, 2017

And so it begins.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

I can't tell you how damned embarrassed I am for taking this long to get to this point, but that's life in the Corvair repair business. I moved the car outside am in the process of giving it a good washing to remove the accumulation of dust it has gathered. I am then planning on wet sanding it in preparation for PAINTING it. Wish me luck.